Coach Musings
The glorious Teton Mountain Range
You Have To Want It.
Sometimes people hire a coach because they feel stuck and they think a coach will fix their "stuck-ness". They often start the coaching session by revealing their skepticism about coaching and how it probably won’t work for them. After a few coaching sessions, they validate their skepticism. Their coach didn’t fix their "stuck-ness". “Coaching doesn’t work,” they tell themselves.
A coach’s job is not to tell you what to do, to consult you, or to fix you.
A coach’s job is to coach you.
What does it mean to coach someone? The International Coaching Federation defines coaching as, “Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
You have to be willing to partner with your coach and explore what’s possible so you make a resonant choice, maximize your potential, and get unstuck. The sad reality is that for many, the discomfort of the known "stuck-ness" is more comfortable than the unknown possibilities coaching provides.
If you don’t really want to move forward, you won’t.
If you aren’t really ready to change, you won’t.
No coach on this planet can help you if, at your core, you want to stay exactly where you are.
So, what do you really want?
Are you feeling stuck, like you can’t get the ball rolling on something you really want to do? A coach can help. Let’s talk.
The wheel keeps on turning and turning…
A little horn tootin’ because you know, if you don’t toot your own horn…
“I can unequivocally say that I would not have gotten into an Ivy League business school without Nicole's help.”
—Jenna Flug, Columbia Business School & Upward Analyst at Yext
Thanks for your support and for taking the time to read this month’s post.
May the rest of your summer be as joy-filled as Onyx!
Sweet Onyx .